The Holly Residential office has cheerful staff who have been with Holly Residential for many years. The office team is efficient in setting up appointments and transportation to medical appointments. They also maintain medical records — another burden removed from resident families.
What really sets Holly Residential apart, though, is our dedication to building a caring community — a happy, healthy place to live and to work. This shows in our residents and in our staff. Walk in our door, and you’ll notice smiling faces everywhere.
Our referrals come from all over the United States. We are unique in that we cater to a younger population. We have an active and vibrant atmosphere — unlike most homes and corporate facilities that primarily provide services to the elderly.
The average age of our residents is 55, with some residents in their 20’s and some staying with us until late in life.
The office also manages the hiring and scheduling our awesome team members. The office is open Monday through Friday 8:00am – 4:30pm (closed for lunch between 12 and 1).
We strive to provide the highest quality of life possible for our residents. It is our first goal to ensure personalized care and accommodations to provide the greatest amount of independence, socialization, creativity, and freedom based on the abilities and needs of each individual.
Specializing in caring for adults with brain injuries, we work with residents that have significant impairment, physically and cognitively.
Caregiving is hard work. What makes it a pleasure is the warmth and caring, along with a constant effort to be better at what we do. What we do best is creating a good life for our residents.
Most of the resident rooms in our facility are single-occupancy. All rooms have built-in closets and a large window to the outside.
Cleaner than any home, our resident rooms are cleaned daily, resulting in an odor-free ambiance. Additionally, daily laundry service keeps things tidy and clean — favorite clothing items are always available.
Holly Residential Care Center has several community living areas for residents to enjoy. We have quiet spaces to socialize, to participate in community activities and religious services, comfortable sitting areas, and tables for games, puzzles, and crafts.
Our central courtyard has a covered patio, outside dining and sitting areas, and raised garden beds for residents who enjoy nurturing plants and growing their own vegetables.
The large dining room features large windows, with abundant natural light. Caregivers are there to help residents with meals, based on each resident’s need for assistance. This large open space is also used for community gatherings, holiday parties and special events. We’ve even held wedding receptions for family members in this room.
Our commercial kitchen uses fresh ingredients to prepare tasty and nutritious food for our residents. We’re experts in preparing meals that accommodate the preferences as well as the physical consistency needed for every resident’s individual needs.
Our facility has drive-thru access and a safe off-street location for individuals to board vans and cars, whether they are in a wheelchair, use a walker or cane, or are able to walk unassisted. There is also ample off-street parking for family and friends. Additionally, a city bus stop is located immediately in front of our facility, allowing for outings around town and local residents to visit using public transportation.
Holly Residential Care Center is located in a quiet residential neighborhood, with city parks and shopping nearby. Residents frequently walk to nearby convenience stores or parks for exercise and independence, and a change of scenery.
The wide hallways allow for freedom of movement, even for passing wheelchairs and service carts. The halls are lined with handrails for walking assistance, and the carpets provide sure footing. No slippery, hard floors to cause falls and injuries here!
Safety was built into our facility. Designed by a firefighter, our facility includes active smoke detectors, emergency lighting and sprinkler systems. All doors are fire doors to prevent fire spread and to provide safe evacuations.